By jeanann

Where do I get my Story Ideas?

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As I studied the craft of writing over the first fifteen years, the books on craft shouted, “Write what you know!”

I took this to heart. It actually made me smile, this advice. I had a treasure chest full of life experiences already at the age of forty when I began my writing journey.

Story ideas oozed from me. So many that I had to decide which ones I was most passionate about and began to write my stories. After around year fifteen of my writing journey, I began to read, “Think outside the box and write about what you don’t know.”

I scratched my head. What? How was I able to write everything I wanted to write that I had experienced in my own life. I saw writing what I know as a way to help others, especially children.

I decided I couldn’t live long enough to write what I don’t know. So I choose not to.

I’ve written about dealing with bullies in school, and a parent who was no longer able to take care of their children as should. This is in my first book, “Just Claire”.

I lost my son to suicide, so I committed to writing to help others about this loss, when I was able. It took five years after his death before I was strong enough to tackle the topic of suicide in order to help other parents.

By now, I was ready to write a fun book but didn’t know about what. One day, my mother-in-law said something in her stubborn and determined way that she had. Ping! Her words sparked a candle of a thought that I had to write about. A story would show the generational issues within a close knit family. The humor came across the page with ease, and all it took was one teen in the story to show spunk toward the great-grandmother. This book is titled, “Road Trip of Delusion”.

It’s twenty-five years later, and I’m still learning the craft of writing. But I also listen to my readers. If they comment in a review they’d like to see such in such, I think on it. I pray about it. Several reviews wanted to know in “Just Claire”, if Mama ever became well. So I wrote a short story that begged to be a novella and I wrote 20,000 more words. “A Pocket Full of Memories” was born.

I seriously doubt I will ever write what I don’t know. There’s too many rich life experiences inside my brain. I can’t ignore them. They help others on their life journeys.

I write what I know!

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