By jeanann

Each of Us Has a Question to Answer

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Categories : Encouragement

Yes, that’s correct. Each of us has a question we might want to answer. My question has to do with the topsy-turvy world we live in today.

I had to answer this question: How can I make a difference in today’s world?

As the troubles around us heap up, I had to ask a deeper question: How can God use me to help others right this minute? But, first, I had to help myself. Or rather, be willing to allow God to help me strike down my own fears. The fears which froze me for a time earlier this year. Fears that still when I wake, I fight off each day.

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7. English Standard Version

When I was frozen several months ago, I kept writing on my newest book but it was spotty. A page here. A page there. My heart was not in the writing. My creativity plummeted. I became bone dry! Thank goodness, I had other jobs my new publicist engaged me in. Thank you, Reda Redding!

So truthfully, it was not time wasted. God had me going in a different direction which has everything to do with marketing my books.

But, back to my question.

I prayed. I studied God’s Word. I got answers.

God wants me to continue to use my gifts. The one gift God gave to me that I enjoy the most is the gift of encouragement.

I started to purge myself from fears by listening to encouraging hymns and songs. Reading encouraging words of God. Praying encouraging prayers, asking the Lord to show me people who needed encouraging. It has to be encouraging in his strength, though. Not my flimsy strength, which really is no strength at all!

I had long ago been sending scriptures to people, so this was something. I dream of people, even if it is a split moment of seeing their face. And when I wake, I pray for them. In the meantime, I will continue to write my inspirational stories to give people hope in God through the words he gives to me.

So that was my question. God answered it and all for His glory!

Do you have a question to ask of yourself?

God can use us if we are willing no matter our circumstances, whether it be a loss, a pain-filled body, or ANY other thing.

Each of us has a question to answer. Jean Ann at the coast of Oregon
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