By jeanann

Inbetween: Waiting for Editorial Edits

Categories : Uncategorized

There’s always something writing related to accomplish while a self-published author waits for the first round of editorial edits from her editor.

In order to help with marketing a new release, I order paraphernalia or so called accessory items which helps promote the book. All of these items depict the art of the book cover, and are as follows: postcards, bookmarks, refrigerator magnets.

I prepare the postcards ahead of time and send them out to people right when the book publishes. I usually send out around 75 postcards to let readers know about the new release. With the upcoming release of “Sincerely Claire”, I also will use some postcards for the drawings to encourage awareness at my “Just Claire” and her Stories Facebook page.

At his Facebook page, I give away bookmarks and refrigerator magnets mostly. What I do is ask a question for folks to answer and if they are correct or just answering the question may add their name into the drawing. It’s a fun time to communicate with my readers.

I enjoy the refrigerator magnets the best. They are useful and the expense of buying them is very little.

Now you know what I do as I await to enter in my first round of edits for “Sincerely Claire”.

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