Thursday Verses ~ Serpent Beguiled Eve
“But I feare least as the serpent beguiled Eue through his subtiltie, so your mindes shoulde be corrupt from the simplicitie that is in Christ. For if he that commeth, preacheth another Iesus whome we haue not preached: or if yee receiue another spirite whome ye haue not receiued: either another Gospell, which yee haue not receiued, ye might well haue suffered [bear with] him” (2 Corinthians 11:3, 4 1587 Geneva Version).
Father, there are many false churches. Many who tell lies. Many who love the money and not the Gospel. Please guide us to a body of Believers/Disciples who are truly doing Your work. Through Christ’s holy name we ask. Thank You~
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