By jeanann

“Season of the Fawns”

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To celebrate the conclusion of taking the first editor’s edit suggestions, I’m giving you a snippet the of male cousin’s Point of View. I hope you enjoy!


Caleb’s lids shut over his eyes against the rustle of material. A noise too similar to the flap of wings.

The mountain came to mind. The pain. The buzzards. Even though he stuffed the memory deep into the fissures of his brain, he shuddered as moisture formed on his brows.

As he opened his lids, Vale walked through the divide of curtain to his room. Her way-too-round eyes said he’d done it now. She’s scared. Standing over him, one of Vale’s tears drip-dropped on his arm. She touched his cheek.

He leaned on his elbow and his gut wrenched in pain. Attempting to settle higher on the stiff pillow, his face grew warm with a flush.

Vale gripped his arm. “Don’t move.”

He furrowed his brows and closed his lids. “Yes, sir, Miss Bossy Pants.”

Photo by Roxanne; Models are Roxanne’s sister, Jesse, and my grandson, Jason Williams II. Most people will never know this, but in the photo Jesse is carrying the future Jason Williams III, who was born August 2020~

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