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Just Claire

One mother damaged. One family tested. One daughter determined to find her place.

ClaireLee’s life changes when she must take charge of her siblings after her mother becomes depressed from a difficult childbirth. Frightened by the way Mama sleeps too much and her crying spells during waking hours, ClaireLee just knows she’ll catch her illness like a cold or flu that hangs on through winter. ClaireLee finds comfort in the lies she tells herself and others in order to hide the truth about her erratic mother. Deciding she needs to re-invent herself, she sets out to impress a group of popular girls.

With her deception, ClaireLee weaves her way into the Lavender Girls Club, the most sophisticated girls in school. Though, her best friend Belinda will not be caught with the likes of such shallow puddles, ClaireLee ignores Belinda’s warnings the Lavenders cannot be trusted. ClaireLee drifts farther from honesty, her friend, and a broken mother’s love, until one very public night at the yearly school awards ceremony. The spotlight is on her, and she finds her courage and faces the truth and then ClaireLee saves her mother’s life.

Road Trip of Delusion

Fifteen-year-old Kari Rose discovers how much trouble she and her two sisters can get into when they stay at their ancient granny’s for spring break. Granny gets a wild-haired notion at three in the morning, and she’s leaving with or without them. Kari makes the decision to take her sisters and ride with Granny in her old Cadillac on a five-hundred-mile-long trip north to visit family. Miles down the road, this harmless act finds Granny no longer able to drive, and Kari must take the wheel. Soon after, the four travelers are caught in a freeway-closing-down snowstorm which brings everyone and everything to a standstill.

A second blizzard with catastrophic impact is about to descend upon them, and Kari must determine the best way to find shelter and beat the storm. Will Kari trust her gut instincts and rely upon a complete stranger to lead them to safety?

God’s Mercies after Suicide: Blessings Woven through a Mother’s Heart

What if your child shot himself while you were in the next room? What if you held him as his heart beat for the last time? What if Satan whispered in your ear, “Now where is your God?” Find out how Jean Ann Williams reached out with her spirit and mind to the one true Father. Discover how the Lord God answered her, and walked alongside her in the most difficult grieving journey of her life.

A Pocket Full of Memories

Mother’s Day for Dotty Monteiro begins with four cards and ends with an unexpected turn of events. As she and her husband Pete anticipate phone calls from their five children, she quietly prays for visits and a chance to laugh together as a family and hug her children. But where is Lolly, the daughter who felt displaced when the youngest was born? She hasn’t been home for three years. Not a call or a card in so long. What Dotty would give to see her daughter again!

Dotty has a long-time faith in Christ and knows God always hears her prayers. But she also knows sometimes they are met with silence. How will her Mother’s Day unfold this year? Will it be a repeat of years past? When will she experience the Mother’s Day of her heart’s desire?

Jean Ann Williams introduced the young Monteiro children in her previous book, Just Claire. Now leap into their future as adults with their own families.

Sincerely Claire

After living in California for almost a year, Claire returns to Oregon with high hopes that seventh grade will be better than sixth. Barely off the school bus, though, trouble smacks her in the head. Literally. Her California bullies! Here?

The Lavender Girls’ dads were hired to supervise a local tunnel project, and the families came along. Claire knows to watch her back. But she fears for her hometown friend Lizbeth, who has yet to discover how far the Lavender Girls can take their harassment.

Fudging a little on what her parents would approve of, Claire creates her own club to battle the bullies’ evil ploys. What will she do when she must make a choice: an eye for an eye – or turn the other cheek?

Excerpt from Grandma Neecy: “Just remember havin’ fun is not always top importance.” Grandma Neecy’s lips puckered. “No, I don’t imagine it will stop them from being ornery. But it will help ya two to count yer blessings. This always pleases our sweet Lord in heaven.” She took a deep breath. “Have ya thought to pray for yer enemies?”

Covered Mercies

Covered Mercies is a brief companion book to God’s Mercies after Suicide: Blessings Woven through a Mother’s Heart, written for the weary-worn griever. This book focuses on how the Lord brought Jean Ann Williams through the early grief years after the suicide of her son, Joshua. She writes about how she and her family walked through the “year of firsts” during holidays and significant days of observance.

Jean Ann is transparent with her feelings and writes in simplicity as she tells her story of love and loss of her twenty-five-year-old son. She was in the house when Joshua died and felt his last heartbeats. She continued to live in the house for four more years, enabling God to reshape her into someone who became stronger in Him.

If you are a mother who has lost a child to suicide or know someone who has, this book will comfort and guide through the most difficult experience for any parent. Jean Ann tells her story with sensitivity and includes Scripture verses that answer questions she had about her son’s afterlife.

Season of the Fawns

Vale and Caleb are twin cousins. Born on the same day, they’ve been raised together since Caleb’s parents’ death, and Vale feels a strong responsibility for her cousin. Especially after Caleb survived a mountain climbing accident, and now suffers from debilitating migraines.

Days before their annual hunting trip, Vale finds Caleb unconscious in his cottage. After he’s transported to the local hospital, she discovers how severe Caleb’s pain has become. As the cousins enter a new season of change, will Vale’s grit be enough to carry Caleb through the most difficult time in his life? Of both their lives?

27 Characters of the Old Testament Stories & Activities for Children

Genesis through Daniel

True accounts of how God used humble men and women as His servants and will give examples children can learn from. They are encouraged to imitate the God-inspired characteristics in real-life Bible people.

From Adam to Daniel, these stories taken from the English Standard Version of the Bible are meant for beginning readers and as a read-aloud book for preschoolers. Each story keeps the main character secret. To find out who they are, there are reference verses in the Scripture. And with crossword puzzles within each chapter, the fun continues for children to discover who is who.

Illustrations in vibrant colors will captivate even the youngest audience. It is never too soon to show babies exciting pictures as they are being read to. Jean Ann Williams read Bible stories with colorful illustrations to her youngest child before the age of one. For all three of her children, bedtime Bible stories for children excited and pleased them. She has provided for you the kind of book she wished she’d had for her children.

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