Sincerely Claire




Sincerely Claire

After living in California for almost a year, Claire returns to Oregon with high hopes that seventh grade will be better than sixth. Barely off the school bus, though, trouble smacks her in the head. Literally. Her California bullies! Here?

The Lavender Girls’ dads were hired to supervise a local tunnel project, and the families came along. Claire knows to watch her back. But she fears for her hometown friend Lizbeth, who has yet to discover how far the Lavender Girls can take their harassment.

Fudging a little on what her parents would approve of, Claire creates her own club to battle the bullies’ evil ploys. What will she do when she must make a choice: an eye for an eye – or turn the other cheek?

Excerpt from Grandma Neecy: “Just remember havin’ fun is not always top importance.” Grandma Neecy’s lips puckered. “No, I don’t imagine it will stop them from being ornery. But it will help ya two to count yer blessings. This always pleases our sweet Lord in heaven.” She took a deep breath. “Have ya thought to pray for yer enemies?”


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