Road Trip of Delusion


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Road Trip of Delusion

Fifteen-year-old Kari Rose discovers how much trouble she and her two sisters can get into when they stay at their ancient granny’s for spring break. Granny gets a wild-haired notion at three in the morning, and she’s leaving with or without them. Kari makes the decision to take her sisters and ride with Granny in her old Cadillac on a five-hundred-mile-long trip north to visit family. Miles down the road, this harmless act finds Granny no longer able to drive, and Kari must take the wheel. Soon after, the four travelers are caught in a freeway-closing-down snowstorm which brings everyone and everything to a standstill.

A second blizzard with catastrophic impact is about to descend upon them, and Kari must determine the best way to find shelter and beat the storm. Will Kari trust her gut instincts and rely upon a complete stranger to lead them to safety?

Road of Delusion Book Trailer:


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